Freeze un-opened packages for
up to 3 MONTHS.
Move to the fridge for 12-24 hours to
thaw. Keep your guac between 30-40 °F!
(don’t let it become room temperature!)
QHow long can I freeze my WHOLLY® GUACAMOLE and WHOLLY® AVOCADO products?
AWe recommend freezing the guacamole and avocado products for up to three months.
QCan I freeze the larger bowls of guacamole?
AYes! All of our products freeze well in unopened packaging. The larger sizes will just take a little more time in the fridge to fully thaw.
QCan I put my guacamole or avocado in water or the microwave to thaw it faster?
AThe safe way to thaw your WHOLLY® product is to move it to the refrigerator for 12-24 hours or between 30-40 °F. Do not allow your product to become room temperature. Never thaw the product in a microwave.
QCan I freeze a package that I’ve already opened?
ANo. We recommend only freezing unopened packages with the seal intact.
QCan I freeze products with tomatoes and tomatillos?
ABecause uncooked tomatoes and tomatillos do not freeze and thaw well due to texture changes, we do not recommend freezing our Chunky Guacamole or Avo Verde products. Our Classic and Spicy guacamole as well as our 100% Avocado products all freeze and thaw beautifully!
QCan I refreeze the product?
ANo. We only recommend freezing and thawing the product once.